Mengyu Liu
Reddy Prize for best PhD thesis in Biology by a female, Caltech (2024)

Joseph Kim (Undergraduate)
George W. Housner Prize for Academic Excellence and Original Research, Caltech (2024)

Ann Kennedy
Eppendorf & Science Prize for Neurobiology (2022)
The Eppendorf & Science Prize for Neurobiology acknowledges the increasingly active and important role of neurobiology in advancing our understanding of the functioning of the brain and the nervous system—a quest that seems destined for dramatic expansion in the coming decades. This international prize, established in 2002, encourages the work of promising young neurobiologists by providing support in the early stages of their careers. It is awarded annually for the most outstanding neurobiological research by a young scientist, as described in a 1,000-word essay based on research performed during the past three years.
Read Ann's prize-winning research here.

Tomomi Karigo
Young Investigator Award, Japan Neuroscience Society (2022)
This Award is directed to young researchers who have obtained their PhD or equivalent within the past 10 years. Award recipients are selected based on their research achievements, research plans, and their record of activity in support of the Japan Neuroscience Society.

Hui (Vivian) Chiu, Ph.D. 2021
Milton and Francis Clauser Doctoral Prize (2021)
The Milton and Francis Clauser Doctoral Prize were first announced at the commencement ceremony, as is the tradition with this prize. Rosenbaum said the Clauser Prize is awarded to students whose Ph.D. theses reflect extraordinary standards of quality, innovative research, and the potential of opening new avenues of human thought and endeavor. This year, for the third time in the Institute's history, two awards were given because of a tie vote.

Moriel Zelikowsky
L'OREAL USA for Women in Science Award (2016) read more
NARSAD Young Investigator Award (2015)
New York Academy of Sciences Cattell Award for Best Dissertation (2012)
Gengerelli Distinguished Dissertation Award (2012)

Hidehiko Inagaki
Larry Katz Memorial Lecture, Cold Spring Harbor (2014)
Harold Weintraub Award (2014)

Weizhe Hong
Larry Katz Memorial Lecture, Cold Spring Harbor (2012)
Larry Sandler Memorial Award, Genetics Society of America (2013)
Science and SciLifeLab Prize for Young Scientist (second runner-up) (2013)

Liming Wang
Ferguson Prize for Best Biology PhD Thesis, Caltech (2011)

Gloria Choi
Ferguson Prize for Best Biology Ph.D. Thesis, Caltech (2005)
Qiao Zhou
Ferguson Prize for Best Biology Ph.D. Thesis, Caltech (2003)
Hai Wang
Ferguson Prize for Best Biology PhD Thesis, Caltech (1999)
Christopher J. Schoenherr
Ferguson Prize for Best Biology PhD Thesis, Caltech (1996)